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The Traffic Lights Turn Blue Tomorrow
What to do in the face of fear mongering
A lot of people are afraid. Some are starting to panic. While there is in fact a public health threat going around the world, some of the fear may be disproportionate to the actual threat thanks to our 24/7 news feed which thrives on sensational news.
None of us know what will happen. As far as the Coronavirus is concerned, things have changed dramatically in 2 weeks. It is a developing story as they say.
From the
As of Wednesday afternoon, at least 1,026 people in 38 states and Washington, D.C., have tested positive for coronavirus, according to a New York Times database, and at least 31 patients with the virus have died.
The first known U.S. coronavirus case was announced on Jan. 21 in Washington State, but the pace of diagnosis has quickened significantly in recent weeks.
The opposite of fear is love. I propose that love and kindness can act as an antidote to fear and in the words of FDR, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
In the face of uncertainty, let’s unite as humans sharing the planet as one. We are in this together.